We are undertaking an overhaul of the which medications/processes require an independent double check / witness within the EMR. It is widely publicized that IDCs are commonly overused and misused. This in-turn degrades the utility of IDCs put in the correct place on correct meds/processes.
The goal would be to develop guidelines that could be used to determine if a med/process qualifies for an IDC, then it would go to the Medication Safety Team to make final determination along with other recommendations.
I am most interested in what is done in other facilites/organizations:
1. Do you have an outlined process for IDCs?
2. How often are IDCs reviewed?
3. How is Nursing educated as to what is being asked to be double-checked at the individual location within the medication management cascade?
4. If your hospital/system does review, are there metrics that are associated with the review? If so, can I contact you to see how these are abstracted?
Thank you for any assistance.