Medication Reconciliation education material

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Saharish Nazar
Saharish Nazar's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 04/02/2020 - 04:46
Medication Reconciliation education material

Dear all,
We are working on improving medication Reconciliation compliance in our Organization. We have developed an e-learning module in which we want to use a video for best practices of Medication Reconciliation. There is a very good video available on YouTube by ACSQHC (Australian commission on safety and quality in Health care); GET It Right - taking a best possible Medication history. I have emailed the organization multiple times to get a consent to use video in my content but no response. Can anyone of you suggest me how to get their consent or if there are other videos available for which no consent might be required. It will be really helpful.
