Hi All
Wondering if any other Epic institutions have implemented best practice #12 and #15 - verify and document a patient's opioid status (naive vs tolerant and acute vs chronic) for hospitals and if so what was done to implement this? Ideally we'd be able to implement something that helps with inpatients but also outpatient prescribing- especially when those Rx's are sent outside of our institution where it is harder to determine the patients opioid status. If you have implemented this, how and when does the patient's opioid status get documented, who is responsible for this and how often does it get updated?
Best practice #12 - eliminate fentanyl patch (oral as well) prescribing for opioid naive patients/acute pain
Best practice #15 - verify and document patients opioid status prior to prescribing LA/SR/CR opioids.
Thanks and have a great week!