Medication Safety Walk Rounds

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Mark Wolf Jr.
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Last seen: 1 week 2 days ago
Joined: 07/15/2021 - 14:45
Medication Safety Walk Rounds

Hi all,

I am currently piloting safety walk rounds at my institution. In current state, the Patient Safety Officer and I will go to random floors monthly and speak with front line staff to see how things are going and if there are any opportunities. It has been successful so far but there is a gap in structure (i.e. we like to include nursing managers and sometimes they are unavailable), documentation, follow up, and report outs from the walk rounds.

1. Does your institution have safety walk rounds? If so, how do you go about scheduling walk rounds? (i.e. do you plan which floors you will round on in advance and include the manager?)
2. Do you utilize a standard form for documenting discussion and action items during rounds? If so, do you mind sharing?
3. Do you have a method for reporting out findings? Does this go through a specific committee or do you present at the huddle level?

If it is easier for you, send me a message and we can set up some time to discuss.

Thank you!
