Hi everyone,
My currently facility previously compounded all potassium chlorides. Their standard was 40meq/500mL NS (osmolarity 450) & 20meq/250mL NS (osmolarity 450). About a year and a half ago we switched to premixed Potassium Chloride 10meq in 100mL water for injection (pH 5 osmoloarity 200). Since that switch our front line nurses have reported that most patients cannot tolerate this due to pain/burning, even with slowing the rate & y siting with fluids.
I know nationally 10meq/100mL is standard and many facilities use this. In my past practice our standard was 20meq/100mL. For reference I'm speaking of using these in peripheral lines.
I was wondering if anyone would weigh in on the following questions. Thanks so much for your time.
1) Is there something I'm missing that would make this intolerable to patients? Or is this potentially push back due to increased nursing workload (hanging multiple bags instead of 1)
2) Any thoughts on if burning would be better or worse if we switched to the 20meq/100mL. Osmolarity wise it is most similar to our previous standard; however, more potassium (i.e. more irritant) makes me think the burning would be worse.