RSI Medication Availability Outside ICU/ED

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Courtney Doellner
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Last seen: 11 months 1 week ago
Joined: 01/12/2021 - 10:49
RSI Medication Availability Outside ICU/ED

Hi All,

Interested in learning more about storage and availability of RSI medications (specifically paralytics) outside of critical care units/OR/ER/etc. Our Pediatric Hospital has a designated code team that responds to these events which includes members from pediatric ICU and anesthesia teams. In current state, our pediatric anesthesia providers are responsible for bringing the RSI medications (including paralytic) to bedside. As this relies on human memory, RSI medications are not always available at bedside depending upon who from peds anesthesia responds to the code and if they forgot to pick up the appropriate meds enroute to code response.

Would love to hear ideas on how your institution navigates availability of RSI medications, specifically paralytics, to code events on general care units.
- Are paralytics stored in your non-ICU ADCs? If so, are they on override?
- Do pharmacists, anesthesia, or ICU team(s) bring paralytics to code events on general care floors?
- How do you validate that paralytics will not be inadvertently administered in a code event by a provider that is not qualified to establish an airway?

Thank you in advance for your time!
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Pediatric Medication Safety Officer
