We have been waiting for over 1 year to implement a new system of central monitoring. All of the tags/sensors and probes have been in place for the last year, but we were waiting to swap out many of our med refrig bc the old ones went out of range all the time. We have over 150 med refrigerators. For those who use a central monitoring system:
1. What discipline is responsible for monitoring temps?
2. Who is responsible for logging in the temp once a day (or twice/day if Vaccine for Children is stocked)?
3. If the temp goes out of range of 2-8 degrees C, who is alerted, and how.
4. Do you have an upper and lower limit for when the alert goes out (i.e., < 1.9 or > 8.1 degrees) or do you have a time limit for it being out of range (i.e., if < 2 or > 8 degrees for >= 30 min)?
5. After an alert is sent, who is responsible for responding to check on the refrigerator and how long do they have to do this? 6. Is a second alert sent if no action is taken within a specified period of time?
ANY policies and procedures you can send would be extremely helpful. Operational excellence is a partner in this project and they want Pharmacy to do the logging once or twice daily, and keep an eye on the screen (continual monitoring). We are interested in seeing if most or many system use Pharmacy to monitor and log.