Are there any large, national, pharmacy quality forums or quality programs that exist for Pharmacy? The surgeons have NSQIP (National Surgery Quality Improvement Program) , the Children’s Hospitals have SPS (Solutions for Patient Safety), and there are many other similar groups for other disciplines. I have not heard of anything that exists for institutional pharmacy. Such an organization would allow the pooling of data across many organizations, but also effectively benchmark for individual institutions as part of their quality improvement processes.
My searching has yielded a mountain of great resources, process measures, policy statements, outcomes, white papers, etc between ISMP, ASHP, IHI, etc...but I have not yet found an organization that we could join that then uses data from member organizations to collectively drive progress towards the national goals for hospital pharmacies.
Does anyone know of anything like this that you have heard of or joined?
Thank you,
Lauren Gashlin
Medication Safety and Policy
University of Rochester Medical Center