Hello All,
We are currently in the process of evaluating intrathecal medication administration in the outpatient setting, with anticipated use of barcode med administration (BCMA) and provider eMAR documentation. We would be interested to know how your institution handles intrathecal medication documentation in the outpatient setting. If there is a different process for inpatient administration, please comment as well.
1. Does your institution administer intrathecal medications in the outpatient setting?
2. How far in advance is this item dispensed to the clinic– e.g. just in time, a few hours, more than 4 hours?
3. To whom is it dispensed – patient specific ADC (e.g. Pyxis) drawer, provider, nurse?
4. Is BCMA utilized for intrathecal medication administration in the outpatient setting? Inpatient?
5. Who is responsible for documenting this on the eMAR – administering provider, RN, other?
6. Is the medication syringe considered sterile and placed on the sterile field?
Thank you for your response!