
Allergenic Extracts

Mallory Wolman's picture


I'm just wondering what other hospitals do for the preparation of allergenic extracts. I would assume the majority of hospitals leave it up to their allergy clinic. If there are any of you that use space in the pharmacy or cleanroom to prepare them, how do you handle them? We currently prepare them in our cleanroom for the allergy clinic but are considering finding alternative space to do. Thank you!

NMB for Clinic Allergen Testing

Liz Hess's picture


We recently had a request for rocuronium to be used in the Allergy clinic for patient sensitivity testing. As I found out, there is primary literature that speaks to allergy testing of NMBs when a patient has anaphylaxis to one of these agents since there is cross-reactivity. I prefer to have pharmacy own this process, to minimize the risk of a NMB used in clinic setting, but would like to hear how others are handling this type of request.

allergen extracts for allergy testing

Dachelle Johnson's picture


Good Morning,

Curious as to how everyone manages allergens and controls at their institution? Everywhere I've worked they seem to be handled a little different. Should these be considered drugs and subsequently ordered, inventoried, dispensed from pharmacy or do you not consider them drugs and the allergy department manages it themselves. To be specific, we are not talking penicillin skin testing. I'm inquiring about aeroallergens (dust mite mix), animal epithelia, fungi, tree pollen etc in small 5 ml vials.


Sulfa Drug Alergy Alerts

Liz Hess's picture


Hi All,

We are considering "unlinking" our drug allergy alert for sulfa medications from sulfa- derivative diuretics (e.g. Furosemide) to decrease the number of alerts. The alert would then only fire for a patient with a documented sulfa allergy and sulfa antibiotic order. It would NOT fire a patient with a sulfa with a documented sulfa allergy and an order for a sulfa-derivative diuretic.

Adverse Reactions to Inactive Ingredients

Damon Pabst's picture


I am observing an increase in events related to adverse reactions to inactive ingredients, (grape flavoring, red dye, aloe). Does your institution have a procedure for alerting when a patient has an allergy to an inactive ingredient and a process for screening medications that contain that ingredient?

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