clinical decision support

Communication between health system staff and EHR Drug Info vendor?

Jennifer Panic's picture


When we have questions or suggestions about a drug-drug interaction severity level rating, we share this with First DataBank, the drug information vendor for our homegrown EHR. A pharmacist from FDB typically responds to our emails within 2 weeks. They don't often make a change based on our emails, but they at least acknowledge our concern and explain their rationale.
In contrast, the drug information vendor servicing our pharmacy platform, MediSpan, has not yet responded to the few drug-drug interaction rating queries we've sent.

Baclofen clinical decision support

Beth Willis's picture


We are trying to implement clinical decision support for baclofen prescribing due to several cases of excessive dosing & neurotoxicity in our system (particularly with initiation of therapy and in patients with renal impairment.)

We are struggling to build this content to fire appropriately for new starts but not to impact patients already on baclofen therapy (especially for spasticity) so as to avoid causing harm from baclofen withdrawal in those patients.

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