
Controlled Substance Diversion Program

Blake Carley's picture



Our Medication Safety team has been tasked with starting a controlled substance diversion program for our healthcare system. I am wondering if anyone has experience implementing a program like this at an organizational level. If you would be willing to share your experience or what applications you utilize within your program, I would appreciate it.

Thank you,
Blake Carley, PharmD

Medication transport in clothing on a person

Amy Kauffman's picture


Hello all

Has anyone identified effective alternatives for transporting medications, particularly controlled substances, when moving between areas such as the OR and PACU? Looking for options to ensure safety and compliance without relying on carrying medications in pockets.


Documentation and Waste of Controlled Substance in Off-Floor Procedures

Amy Kauffman's picture


As part of our ongoing efforts to refine our Controlled Substances (CS) Handling Policy, we’ve encountered a particular challenge: ensuring accurate tracking and documentation of controlled substances during off-floor procedures or when given to another for future use.

Diversion Investigations

Amy Kauffman's picture


Hello all,

We are a recently established Diversion Prevention Program and are seeking a template or playbook on how to properly conduct a diversion investigation. If anyone has any guidance or documents that you would be willing to share on this topic, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

Controlled Substance Infusion Waste Process

Odessa Hinojosa's picture


What is the actual process for wasting controlled substances infusions at your nursing units?

Does the unit nurse measure out the remaining solution in both the bag and the tubing to document how much volume they are wasting?
If so how is it measured?

If it is not measured, what volume is used to document the waste?
From the infusion device or from the EHR?

Thank you for your insight.

Best Practice for Returning Unused Meds to Pyxis (ADMs)

Chad Simpson's picture


Does anyone know of a best practice guideline for a timeline requirement for clinicians to return unused / unopened medications to the automated dispensing machine (Pyxis, Omnicell, etc.) after they've taken the med out of the machine for a patient and then not used them (ie. patient refused, etc.)?

Or, if you don't know of a published guideline, what timeline does your facility require?

Note: I'm not talking about wasting medication, but rather returning unused / unopened medication.

Thanks -

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