Medication Safety Officers Society
3829 Members Strong A society of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving medication safety in healthcare organizations
We are evaluating our current process of adding electrolyte replacement doses to 24hr supply of enteral formula in pediatric patients and are interested in the following:
1. Does your institution have pharmacy add enteral electrolyte replacements (e.g. NaCl, NaHCO3, etc) directly to 24 hour supply of formula to administer continuously? If so, what process is in place to handle appropriately?
I've identified a unique workflow and am interested to see if other organizations have encountered this. We have some providers that are ordering continuous infusions of go-lytely (max rate of 1,200 mL/hr in some instances) to be run via an enteral tube. If your organization sees these types of orders, what does administration look like? I think our actual order on the MAR is fine but the workflow for nursing to achieve this rate at the bedside is excessive in its current state.
Thanks for any help,
Stacie Ethington MSN, RN-BC
Nebraska Medicine
How does your institution handle the various route options for ordering enteral medication delivery in the EMR?
1) All route options are available to select for all medications - po, ng, og, nd, g tube, j tube,etc
2) Use more general categories, such as "by mouth" or "by enteral tube" (rather than each type of tube)
3) other?