Communication between health system staff and EHR Drug Info vendor?

Jennifer Panic's picture


When we have questions or suggestions about a drug-drug interaction severity level rating, we share this with First DataBank, the drug information vendor for our homegrown EHR. A pharmacist from FDB typically responds to our emails within 2 weeks. They don't often make a change based on our emails, but they at least acknowledge our concern and explain their rationale.
In contrast, the drug information vendor servicing our pharmacy platform, MediSpan, has not yet responded to the few drug-drug interaction rating queries we've sent.

CMS 30 minute rule on time- critical and non time- critical medications.

Ivyruth Andreica's picture


Good morning

We received a query that the sender and ISMP would appreciate your input. Does your hospital IT system have the ability to notify the nurse by a visual or audio cue which medications are in the time-critical period of giving to meet CMS guidelines for drug administration?

If you don't mind what system are you using? Thanks!

Ivy Andreica, BSN, PharmD

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