operating room

Timing and Management of Interoperative Orders

Dominique Loparo's picture


Hello -

Wondering how other institutions handle orders that are signed and held with the intention of being administered intraop but then subsequently not being released until after procedure when patient reaches the floor?

Prescribers are appropriately utilizing phase of care, however Epic is unable to catch these orders for auto-dc as it cannot distinguish between the intention of these orders being necessary for past procedure vs potential upcoming procedure.

Codonics SLS

Sibyl Cherian's picture


Does anyone work in an institution that uses the Codonics SLS in their periprocedural area? I have heard positive things about it and was looking into obtaining a demo for our hospital system and wanted to get others feedback. The latest ISMP periprocedural guidelines recommended that by 2025, hand written labels should be eliminated and every syringe and infusion label should have a machine readable goal. Codonics SLS is suppose to help meet this standard.

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