Medication Safety Officers Society
3831 Members Strong A society of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving medication safety in healthcare organizations
Does anyone have a policy willing to share on the process outlined of when a TPN needs to be paused and disconnected from a Pediatric/Infant patient going to the OR? Thank you
Our current process for Doe patients is to have the default age of 1/1/1900. Interested to hear if any pediatric institutions have a process to ensure neonatal/pediatric context applies to their patients. We recently had a NICU patient with an age of 123 years old, and it caused a lot of confusion/problems with entering orders correctly.
We are having a discussion on what to use to flush enteral feeding.
1. The question on the table is for neonates at what age can we start using purified water to flush enteral tubes?
2. Is the age actual or gestational age?
3. What is the reason that neonates need sterile water for flush and cannot use purified water?
4. Are we worried about hyponatremia when using sterile water in neonates/peds?
4. If you have any policies or studies that you can share with me for flushing enteral feeding in neonates and pediatrics, please.
Could you please share your practice for medication order verification in the general ED? Specifically, do you rely on auto-verification of orders, and is the process different for pediatric patients (i.e. pharmacist review is required for pediatric patients)?
Would anyone be willing to share their pediatric procedural sedation order set? Do you ever use propofol drips for more difficult cases to avoid the need for frequent rebolusing given pediatric kinetics?