
RhoGam Administration Device / Safety

Julie Seidlinger's picture


Dear MSOS Members:

Maternal Child RNs have expressed their concern regarding the safety device that covers the RhoGam needle. Some of their concerns are:

- It is difficult to engage the safety shield.

- They feel the safety shield puts them at greater risk for a needle stick as the quality of the material is flimsy compared to prior versions.

- The plunger falls out of the syringe if the syringe is tipped slightly.

Scope of Practice - Rho(D) Immune Globulin administration (LPN / MA)

Emily K D'Anna's picture


Hi again!
One more question for the group...

Who is permitted (or restricted) from administering Rho(D) Immune Globulin in the ambulatory / outpatient clinic space?

Do you require RN administration?
Is this within the scope of practice for an LPN?
(...We recognize that this scope of practice for LPNs could differ from state to state, but are still interested)
Are Medical Assistants permitted to administer Rho(D) Immune Globulin?

Thanks so much in advance for your response!

RhIg dosing

Jessica Lise's picture


Hi -

We are trying to refine our process for ordering and dispensing RhIg products (RhoGam or HyperRho) for postpartum prophylaxis in the setting of fetomaternal hemorrhage.

1) Who is responsible for calculating the dose of RhIg product? OB physician, blood bank, pathology, other?

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