Medication Safety Officers Society
3826 Members Strong A society of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving medication safety in healthcare organizations
Interested in hearing if any sites which utilize BD Optima for home infusions, have encountered issues with their Infusion Clamps (N35-0, N40-0).
We’ve encountered situations where the clamp can be placed backwards, which can then force separation between injector and connector, and results in the pump not running correctly. We’ve engaged BD Carefusion on this topic, but would appreciate hearing from other sites if you’ve experienced this challenge as well.
An old topic with no clear answers - but looking to see if anyone has instituted a successful program for screening personnel potentially exposed to hazardous medications in the course of their job (pharmacy, nursing, others?) and what it consists of. Thanks!
Shannon Manzi, PharmD, BCPPS, FPPA
Director, Safety & Quality, Department of Pharmacy
Boston Children’s Hospital
I posed some HD questions to ASHP's medication safety list serve and have not received a whole lot of feedback. I am going to try this group since I am at a stopping point for our HD policy roll out until I have a better grasp on how to handle one topic in particular... the handling of HDs by personnel who are pregnant or trying to conceive.
How is your organization handling respirators? For example, if a CSTD is being used during IV administration of those medications that have the potential to vaporize at room temperature (i.e. carmustine, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, etc.) are your nurses using respirators OR are you considering the CSTD the protection? Are you just using PAPR type respirators in the event of a spill? I appreciate your guidance!
Stacie Ethington, MSN, RN-BC
Medication Safety Nurse Specialist
Nebraska Medicine
USP 800 includes medical surveillance for healthcare workers who handle hazardous drugs as a regular part of their job assignment.
1. How are institutions defining "regular" for this? Staff that handles chemo/HD how frequently?
2. What personnel/departments will you be including in this medical surveillance program? EVS?
We are in the process of developing USP 800 Hazardous Med Education for nursing. Has anyone developed the nursing component of education and are you willing to share? Specifically looking for how nursing will identify the hazardous med, PPE requirements and how you plan to hardwire the process.
Thank you,
Kelly Biastre, PharmD
Sr. Consultant Med Safety
Baptist Health
Jacksonville, Fl