Medication Safety Officers Society
3826 Members Strong A society of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving medication safety in healthcare organizations
How is your organization addressing Med Rec in the outpatient setting? Our providers are concerned with completing an accurate Med Rec, as well as, the Regulatory and Legal implications if incorrect/or missing a medication.
Could you let me know how your organization views and completes the Outpatient Med Rec?
Hello everyone! I was hoping to get some feedback regarding your ICU med reconciliation processes.
Currently our ER pharmacists do med rec from 0600-0030, so we have about a 5.5 hour gap in coverage. And of course, sometimes they are pulled away for other clinical activities so not everyone who comes through the ER has their med rec done by a pharmacist.
I know medication reconciliation is an issue that all hospitals are constantly trying to improve upon. I wanted to ask about processes in different hospitals:
1. Do RNs, pharmacists and technicians all have the ability to remove medication off the home medication list and is that part of the standard workflow?
2. For EPIC users, how do you deal with PTA med lists for transfers? Is the PTA list what the patient took at the first hospital? How do you address risk of errors upon discharge with discrepancies from what the patient has at home?
Our organization is currently set up to require provider reconciliation of all home medications (continue/discontinue/prescribe)in the outpatient procedural spaces (surgery, endoscopy, radiology, etc) before the after visit summary can be generated and the patient can be discharged. In each location, we do have nursing update the home medication list prior to the procedure so that the providers can "review" the current and updated list of home medications.
Is there an expectation to document medication history for patient encounters in Ambulatory Infusion Centers at your organization? If so, who is responsible?
Can you describe the mechanism in which your organization assesses the quality of medication reconciliation? We are able to capture the completion of med rec in our EHR but this is only serving as a quanitative measure and we still have see vulnerabilities in the process.