Find Your IV Push Safety Gaps

ISMP has launched a new tool to help healthcare organizations identify and manage targeted risks associated with the use of IV push medications in adults. The ISMP Gap Analysis Tool (GAT) for Safe IV Push Medication Practices is designed to assist practitioners in evaluating their best practices, pinpointing specific challenges and potential areas for improvement, and tracking progress over time. The GAT is based on ISMP’s IV push guidelines, and consists of a manageable 50 items. The tool is being made available at no charge, thanks to generous support from Baxter. Healthcare facilities that submit their findings to ISMP anonymously via a secure internet portal by March 31, 2019 will receive a gap analysis total score and will have access to aggregate data after the submission period and ISMP analysis. Aggregate data can be used to compare their facility’s experiences to the experiences of demographically similar healthcare facilities. Participation can also help organizations assess their compliance with local policies and procedures for management of IV push medications, as well as with requirements from regulatory or accrediting agencies such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. For more information, or to access the GAT, visit: