Post date: 2 years 10 months ago

Read this week’s ISMP newsletter free featured article for an analysis of a recently reported fatal error in which potassium chloride for injection concentrate was administered IV push to a patient during a cardiac arrest. The article includes ISMP’s safe practice recommendations:

Post date: 2 years 11 months ago

Post date: 2 years 11 months ago

Surgery sites: participate in the ISMP Medication Safety Self Assessment for Perioperative Settings! This new tool offers hospitals, freestanding ambulatory surgery centers, and other facilities that perform outpatient medical or surgical procedures the opportunity to evaluate their medication use systems and compare their results with demographically similar organizations. Data collection deadline is August 31, 2021. Visit to access the workbook and online database, and to register for our free webinar for participants.

Post date: 2 years 11 months ago

In addition to its comprehensive multi-day risk assessments, ISMP offers a one-day customized risk assessment that can help your organization quickly address specific medication safety challenges. It’s available virtually or in person.
For more information, visit:

Post date: 2 years 11 months ago

Errors related to medication labeling and packaging continue to be among the most frequent types of voluntary reports submitted to ISMP. Read this week’s free newsletter featured article for a list of error-prone conditions with container and carton labels and ISMP recommendations:
