When to withdraw drug volume prior to admixing vs. pumping exact volume into empty bag

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Karen Thompson
Karen Thompson's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 05/03/2009 - 02:30
When to withdraw drug volume prior to admixing vs. pumping exact volume into empty bag

When asked to make an IV drip where the drug volume is 10% or more of the bag volume, such as furosemide 1mg/mL, 250mL bag (225mL of NS + 250mg/25 mL of furosemide), do you:

1. Withdraw the 25mL drug volume from the 250mL bag of NS prior to adding the drug, OR
2. Start with an empty container and add 225mL of NS + the drug

This is an ongoing debate at my facility and I'd like to put it to rest!

Please respond and let me know which method you use, and if there are any exceptions (e.g., you use method #1 for most drips, but you use method #2 for all chemotherapy)

thank you!!

This ISMP article highlights someone the pros/cons of each method: https://www.ismp.org/newsletters/acutecare/showarticle.aspx?id=63