Epic 2018 upgrade - Fuzzy logic

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Maria Cumpston
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Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 06/20/2016 - 14:16
Epic 2018 upgrade - Fuzzy logic

Hi all -
We will be doing an Epic upgrade at the end of this year to the 2018 platform. Today I was made aware of "fuzzy logic" that will be incorporated with this upgrade. Fuzzy logic has to do with all orders (not just medications) where if the end user has a typo or spelling error, medications will be suggested. An example is Laxis - Lasix will be found. However, another example is Duno - both daunorubicin and doxorubicin will be found. But if you don't have one both on formulary, only the existing one on formulary will be found.
Single medications can be excluded so we can exclude any of our look alike sound alike meds or from the ISMP list. What thoughts are out there on this topic?
Thanks -
Maria Cumpston, PharmD, CPPS
Medication Safety Officer
WVU Medicine