Amphotericin: flushing with D5W prior to administration

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Jacqueline Kao
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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 06/05/2018 - 11:46
Amphotericin: flushing with D5W prior to administration


My institution has admin instructions in the MAR for amphotericin that say "flush line with D5W prior to administration" since there's also normal saline hydration orders to give before and after amphotericin administration. We wanted to link D5W to the amphotericin order so the nurse is reminded to give it, and can scan the correct product and give the ordered amount. However it appears there's no actual D5W flush/syringe product available anywhere, and nurses are currently either overlooking the admin instructions or just drawing an arbitrary amount from a large bag of D5W.

Does anyone have any recommendations on improving this practice? Of note our institution elected not to have NS flushes count as orders so nurses do routinely flush lines with NS without an order, but this situation is a bit different since amphotericin should be flushed with D5W, not NS.
