How has your Med Safety Role changed during COVID-19 pandemic?

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Emily K D'Anna
Emily K D'Anna's picture
Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 02/07/2017 - 11:38
How has your Med Safety Role changed during COVID-19 pandemic?

Hello! Just writing out of curiosity...
As hospital COVID-19 pandemic 'surge plans' continue to develop and evolve, I wondered how everyone's roles as Medication Safety Officers were adapting?

Are most being pulled to the frontlines to staff in your licensed clinical roles (e.g. pharmacists, RNs, providers, etc.)?

Assuming yes, are you shifting review of errors / events to other disciplines / departments (for example, Risk)?

(Or have your roles remained based in troubleshooting operational questions / concerns related to medication management during the pandemic?)

Anything else noteworthy that you have continued to track or be highly engaged in during this time, especially from a monitoring/action perspective?

Thanks so much in advance for your insight -
and thank you all for your tireless efforts!
Stay safe and well,
