Workflow for anesthesia workstations

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Jameika M. Stuckey
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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2018 - 15:27
Workflow for anesthesia workstations

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you safe and well. I am reaching out to ask what various institutions are doing with regards to AWS (anesthesia work stations) restocking workflows. We currently use a tray exchange model. Although this is not the suggested workflow from our AWS manufacturer (Omnicell). This was done due to minimal staff resources.
For those of you that use the restock sheets to fill the machines:
1. What barriers have you encountered?
2. Are these restocks done at the cabinet/station by pharmacists or technicians?
3. If technicians, due pharmacist audit their work or is there another process that you use for pharmacists checks?

For those that do tray exchange:
1. Is a technician/technician check?
2. Is it a pharmacist/technician check?

Anything that anyone has would be greatly appreciated. :-)

University of Mississippi Medical Center