Event Reporting System - Diversion concern

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Liz Hess
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Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/02/2014 - 21:07
Event Reporting System - Diversion concern

Hi All,

We currently report medication errors and diversion concerns through one event type in our incident reporting system - 'medication event'. We use UHC SI/Datix. I am finding most of our opioid events are documentation of diversion concern instead of medication errors that could affect patients. I realize we could assert it is an error and should be included in the medication event category, because something went wrong in the med use process and the patient may not have received their meds. An example event might read 'controlled substance [med name] found in unsecured location.'

Our pharmacy compliance team follows up on diversion concerns and connects it with our diversion software, RxAuditor.

1. Do you have a different event type and/or system that staff report documentation for concern for diversion through?

2. Do you have a different policy/process for documenting concerns for diversion?

Thanks in advance!