Bupivacaine in Dextrose for Spinal - Issues with Efficacy?

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Christie Tran
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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 06/19/2018 - 15:05
Bupivacaine in Dextrose for Spinal - Issues with Efficacy?

In the past couple of months, our anesthesia team has experienced 3 cases (performed by experienced anesthesiologists) where the spinal block was failed or ineffective. They claim that there has been no issues with the exact same product (Hospira) that is supplied in the spinal kits. And, each failed case has been with bupivacaine that is stocked in the ADC.

This week, we had another case with a different lot number. We've reached out to the manufacturer with the affected lots, and their representatives have stated that there are no quality issues.

Has anyone else had issues with failed cases?

Thank you.