Care Coordination Model for Med Mngmt

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DiAnthia Patrick
DiAnthia Patrick's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 day ago
Joined: 06/18/2014 - 01:01
Care Coordination Model for Med Mngmt


We've been asked to develop a care coordination model for the med management process involving Pharmacy. WE only need to create the model for now, not implement but our internal leaders (clinical, informatics, operations, ambulatory & med safety) feel a bit overwhelmed by how big this seems. Looking at med management points of handoff at various points of thru put for a patient, even given the multiple points of entry seems to be a lot to commit to processes for most patients.

Does anyone have one that they're willing to share. Perhaps we're making this more complicated than it is and there's a more simplified way of thinking about this?

Can't seem to find any particular examples on the web.
