Medication continuous infusions using vial plus bag

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Dana Miller
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Last seen: 2 days 9 hours ago
Joined: 01/29/2018 - 16:17
Medication continuous infusions using vial plus bag

Has anyone transitioned any high alert med infusions (pressors etc) to vial plus bag using a vial mate adapter or RIO device that the nurse could put together?

If you have, how did you mitigate any safety concerns?
If you evaluated and did not go that direction what led you to that decision?

Currently we have diltiazem and a couple of other meds but want to thoroughly consider before the system moves forward with additional meds, especially any high alert ones like phenylephrine. We also do this for antibiotics etc. so nurses are used to this process.

Thanks in advance,
Dana Miller
Medication Safety Pharmacist, Sentara Healthcare