Medication Drawer alarm setting

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Tara Coyne
Tara Coyne's picture
Last seen: 4 days 18 hours ago
Joined: 07/23/2022 - 21:53
Medication Drawer alarm setting

Is there a regulatory recommendation for how long a medication drawer on a cart should remain open?

We use the Enovate Envoy mobile workstations (WOWs) for securing medications on certain units. We want to be sure the alarm on the drawers is set to the standard expectation. The cart is set by the vendor to alarm at 2 minutes by default, if the drawer remains open. This was extended to 3 mins following initial deployment to align with Nursing practice and Pharmacy cart configurations. Nursing has expressed concerns that the 3-minute time limitation is causing alarm fatigue and not enough time to pull medications.

Is there a standard expectation for the medication drawer alarm setting?