Vancomycin Administration Errors

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Aidan Ziobro
Aidan Ziobro's picture
Last seen: 6 days 10 hours ago
Joined: 06/02/2022 - 13:43
Vancomycin Administration Errors

Looking to see what other sites have implemented to prevent administration errors with vancomycin.

We currently use a pharmacist managed vancomycin program, where the pharmacists order and time the trough/random levels, and dose adjust as appropriate.

We were wondering the following:
1. Who draws Vanco labs? RNs, PCTs, Lab, etc?
2. Has your site implemented any strategies to prevent RNs from administering vancomycin prior to a trough/random draw?
3. Do your pharmacists manage vancomycin, or do the providers manage?
4. Do you allow RN's to give the next dose of Vanco prior to the trough being resulted?

We are an EPIC site, for any sites that have EPIC solutions in place.

Any additional insight would be greatly appreciated.
