Medication Event Reporting Categories

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Caitlin Wells
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Last seen: 2 weeks 14 hours ago
Joined: 05/02/2023 - 11:34
Medication Event Reporting Categories

We are working on simplifying are medication event reporting process and are looking at the different subcategories we have for medication events. In current state a reporter would choose "Medication/IV" to report a medication event and then there is a list of 18 different subcategories, one which is called "Other Medication Event" and gets used the most so the subcategories are not helpful for pulling data and trending.

For Medication & IV are subcategories are:
Adverse Drug Event
Benzodiazepine Event
Controlled Substance Discrepancy
Hypo/Hyperglycemic Event
IV Phlebitis Or Infiltration
Medication Not Given
Medication Storage Bin
Medication Unavailable When Needed
Opioid Event
Other Medication Issue
Procedure Sedation Concern
Wrong Dose Or Form
Wrong Medication
Wrong Patient
Wrong Preparation
Wrong Rate (IV)
Wrong Route Of Administration
Wrong Timing

There are questions within these events that duplicate the information in the subcategories.

My question is, how many and what kind of subcategories do you have within your medication/fluid event category?