Bar Code Scanning for partial doses

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Randi Trope
Randi Trope's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 06/29/2013 - 21:42
Bar Code Scanning for partial doses

We are an Allscripts (Sunrise) institution and are instituting BCMA for our pediatric services.

For medications ordered PRN or a one time dose that are pulled by the RN from the ADC and not dispensed by pharmacy, how do you have this set up to scan?

Currently the provider uses the regular order for a one time dose however, when the RN scans the vial removed from the ADC we get a mis-match warning and therefore no warning that only part of the vial has to be given.

Do we need two separate orders where one will match a product delivered by pharmacy (patient specific with correct dose) and a separate order for when the med is removed from the ADC and part of the vial is used?

Thanks for your time!
