drug compatibility

Droperidol Syringe Compatibility

Anh Vuong's picture


Droperidol IM use has re-emerged at my current site. Due to the heightened acuity during most if not all of the cases where droperidol IM administration is indicated, questions have been asked related to whether co-administered IM medications can be put into the same syringe as that of droperidol IM's.

Any data/literature/experience from you all would be greatly appreciated on trying to answer:

"Is droperidol IM injection syringe compatible with diphenhydramine hydrochloride IM injection?

And even more comprehensively:

IV Drug Compatibility Nursing Decision Support

Kelsey Keeley's picture


Any organizations have any form of decision support within their EHR systems to assist nursing with IV drug compatibility? For example, embedded hyperlinks to Trissels in MAR, active alerting when two incompatible medications are "linked" to infuse through the same lumen, etc...

There's some interest from our nursing team in exploring but struggling to determine what might actually be feasible.

Appreciate your insight!

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