Handling Hazardous Drugs (HDs)

Hazardous medications in the ambulatory setting

Rachel Fortin's picture


Looking to see if anyone else has developed any take home resources regarding hazardous medications that are dispensed in the retail setting for caregivers. Inpatient we have warnings to nurses at the ADC and many resources available. But for patients who are being discharged home with a hazardous medication they or a caregiver may be manipulating (ie: crushing or opening for g-tube administration) that level of hazard (especially reproductive hazard) may not always be communicated in the drug monograph that is dispensed (Thinking along the lines of a pregnant person as a caregiver).

HD policy questions

Rachel Durham's picture


Hello all.

I posed some HD questions to ASHP's medication safety list serve and have not received a whole lot of feedback. I am going to try this group since I am at a stopping point for our HD policy roll out until I have a better grasp on how to handle one topic in particular... the handling of HDs by personnel who are pregnant or trying to conceive.

Informing Staff of Handling Hazardous Drugs

Prad B. Ananthasingam's picture


Does anyone have any exact verbiage to use to inform staff that they are handling hazardous medications? we are wondering if anyone has already had employees sign an attestation that they know they are handling HDs. If anyone can share how they informed staff and if they have documents that they had staff sign.

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