infusion pumps

BD Optima Infusion Clamps

Matthew T. Beaulac's picture


Interested in hearing if any sites which utilize BD Optima for home infusions, have encountered issues with their Infusion Clamps (N35-0, N40-0).

We’ve encountered situations where the clamp can be placed backwards, which can then force separation between injector and connector, and results in the pump not running correctly. We’ve engaged BD Carefusion on this topic, but would appreciate hearing from other sites if you’ve experienced this challenge as well.

Thank you,


Infusion Pump Interoperability Experience - insights needed

Allison Romain-Dika's picture


We are evaluating the pros and cons of implementing infusion pumps with interoperability. If you have implemented this technology, please share the following:

1) What have been the pros of having interoperability of infusion pumps in your facility?

2) What are the cons or what downsides have you noticed post-implementation?

3) Has utilizing pumps with this technology increased safety in your organization?

4) What would you have done differently?

Thank you in advance for your input.

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