Medication Safety Officers Society
3844 Members Strong A society of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving medication safety in healthcare organizations
I would like to review our hospital's meds to make sure we're storing everything properly with protect from light. The latest ISMP article addressed it with a linked article, but I can't seem to get it to open. Would anyone happen to have that article or an official list? Thank you!
I would be appreciative if someone could share their institutions policy/procedure or any advice regarding the storage of light-sensitive medications in automatic dispensing cabinets. We are particularly interested in areas with see-through doors where there is no light protection (example a Pyxis Tower)
What is anyone's department's practice hen transporting light sensitive medications from the pharmacy to the ADCs on the floors? Since the medication will be exposed to light for an unknown period of time, are they transported in light sensitive bags? Is anyone aware of a best practice on this topic?