Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Morphine 0.4 mg/ml / recipe

Heidi Ault's picture


Our institution currently makes a morphine PF 0.5 mg/ml from the parenteral product. However, I am used to using the 0.4 mg/ml concentration and would like to change to this (as well as being aligned with ASHP).

I realize there is an oral recipe diluting the commercially available Morphine 2 mg/ml oral solution. However, this product has sodium benzoate and sorbitol which is not recommended for use in pediatric and neonatal patients (if possible). Hence, why I am looking for a recipe for using the parenteral product.

Pediatric Mediacton administraion

James Avila's picture


Currently oral morphine 0.4mg/ml is dispensed to the neonatal unit pyxis drawn up into 1ml sringes with a barcoded label. When needed for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome the nurse will waste the drug not needed and administer the appropriate dose as needed depending on the scoring. We have tried to draw up a patient specific dose but it never works because we can't get the dose to the unit in a timely fashion. What are other units doing?

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