
Potassium repletion timing/rates

Kara Thornton's picture


Our standard for KCl replacement via peripheral lines is to give 10 mEq/100 mL at a rate of 100 mL/hr x however many bags are needed. Our RNs have expressed concern that many of our patients can't tolerate this rate, resulting in issues with charting and accessing the meds in the ADC. This has caused workarounds, delays, and the full run of replacements not being completed.

A group of RNs has requested that we change the default rate to allow for longer infusion times.

Has anyone moved away from the Q1H KCl replacement timeline, or experienced anything similar?

Potassium Protocol

Alicia Haugh's picture


For those of you who have a potassium replacement protocol:

1. Is it limited to certain units?
2. What is the goal min. K level for replacement?
3. Is there a max Secr allowable for ordering protocol? IF so what is the max Secr?
4. Who manages the replacement doses? (provider, nurse, pharmacist)

Thank you!

Potassium infusion rate limits with / without telemetry

Emily K D'Anna's picture


Happy New Year!

Quick question -
What is the maximum rate of infusion for potassium allowed to be administered at your organization WITHOUT telemetry? (10 mEq/hour vs. 20 mEq/hour, other?)

Is this the same for both inpatient and outpatient settings?

(...if you administer WITHOUT telemetry at rates higher than 10 mEq/hour - would you mind sharing your references?)

Thank you!

Timely replacement of electrolytes

Forrest Shirkey's picture


Does anyone have a specific Nursing policy on the time frame they have to respond to a low electrolyte lab (K, Phos, Mg)?

One of the issues we have with our electrolyte (K,Mg,Phos) protocol orders is that the RNs do not act on the lab value in a timely manner. The question has come up, what exactly is a time window in which they can still act on an "old" lab value? Do you have a policy defining when the level is too "old" to act upon, do you recommend rechecking the level or getting a Physician order to proceed per the protocol despite the "age" of the level?

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