Parenteral nutrition

3-in-1 PPN (Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition)

Macklin O'Brien's picture


Our facility infrequently uses PPN for patients with post-op ileus who may require just 1-2 weeks of parenteral nutrition and otherwise don't have or need central access. Due to osmolarity we require lipids run simultaneously with the dextrose/amino acids compomnent of the PPN. We have had events where the lipids were not run concurrently. This has led to discussion of a 3-in-1 PPN formulation. Our TPN (central parenteral nutrition) would remain a 2-in-1.

Does anyone utilize a 3-in-1 PPN (peripheral) formulation at their site? Thank you kindly.


Parenteral Nutrition Pump Build entry name

Pierce Buzzi-Davidson's picture



We currently have our parenteral nutrition (PN) entry in our Baxter pump to be built as "PN Central" and "PN Peripheral". After identifying a low compliance with the pump entry and discussing with our nurse educators, we have started the conversations of developing a more user friendly entry for nursing to look-up. I am curious what entry nursing is to select on the pump when administering PN. Any pros/cons you have experienced with your current build?

Make it a great day,

Pierce Buzzi-Davidson

TPN Disconnection

Elizabeth Cassidy's picture


Does anyone have a formal policy or procedure for appropriate actions to take when a TPN becomes disconnected? Our formal stance is to not disconnect the line at all if possible. If something happens to interrupt the line we typically advise not to re-connect a TPN due to infectious risk but I haven't been able to find any great resources to back up this recommendation.

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