Alaris PCA: Asume Care Process

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Paul MacDowell
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Last seen: 5 days 21 hours ago
Joined: 07/13/2017 - 22:23
Alaris PCA: Asume Care Process

Our institution recently switched to BD/Alaris for most infusions-

We are running into some barriers with the PCA scanning process. All new PCA syringes are scanned via EPIC BCMA process, but we also find that RNs scan the physical syringe/label when assuming care of the infusion from the prior RN.

Because the PCA is enclosed behind the locked, clear plastic window, RNs are not able to scan the physical syringe or label without first obtaining the key and opening the PCA door. This poses a barrier in their workflow.

At your institution:

Do RNs scan PCA syringes during the assume care process? If so, how is this process performed logistically?


Are you able to share screen shot of required documentation items from PCA flow sheet?


Paul MacDowell
UC Davis
