I am working with an academic based research group that is looking at both alerts and alarms on IV Smart Pumps. We have reviewed data from a large number of pumps to try and quantify both alarms and alerts. Our group, which consists of pharmacists and nurses is now identifying pharmacists that manage smart pump library settings within their institutions to conduct 50 minute interviews. We are looking for a variety of sites and pump types to learn about. Generally, we are going to combine information from the interviews we conduct and the data we have collected to make recommendations regarding IV Smart Pump safety.
If you have interest in participating, please complete the survey below from the University of North Carolina School of Pharmacy. If you qualify for the study, we will send you an email with all of the details and you can always opt in or opt out later.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Dan Degnan, PharmD, MS, CPPS, FASHP
Clinical Associate Professor
Purdue University College of Pharmacy