Anesthetic gas handling (inspired by the isoflurane debacle)

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Helen Gibbons
Helen Gibbons's picture
Last seen: 3 months 4 days ago
Joined: 11/25/2014 - 12:40
Anesthetic gas handling (inspired by the isoflurane debacle)

The notice about mislabeled isoflurane sent by ISMP made us realize that the way our gas machines are filled results in potential mixed lots and expiration dates without anything indicating it on the machine (arghh!)

Has anyone worked through this problem and come up with good solutions with your anesthesia folks? Also interested in how people handle partial bottles, storage etc.
We currently have them (isoflurane and sevoflurane) in our OR ADC but I'm thinking that may not be optimal in the event of a spill or breakage.

Thanks for any suggestions, policies or procedures! and Happy New Year!