AutoHeld Medications

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Vimerald Hernan...
Vimerald Hernando Henss's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
Joined: 06/11/2022 - 14:04
AutoHeld Medications

Hello all.

Our nurses have expressed a concern with an EPIC workflow related to "autoheld" medications.

For those of you who use EPIC at your organization, what are the expectations for your physicians and nurses on addressing medications that were "autoheld" during a procedure & then resumed?

1. Does the MD or RN make the assessment on when the 1st dose post-procedure for each med that was auto-held due is due?
1a. If MD, how does MD communicate to RN when 1st dose post procedure med should be given?
2. Do you have an operating standard of how auto-held medications should be addressed?
2a. If so, is it written into a policy vs. guideline?
2b. Would you be willing to share?
3. Is a due time provided on the MAR post procedure for these meds so Nursing can chart these medications?
3a. If so, who is responsible for placing these due times.

Thank you in advance!
