BCMA Collective Petition Letter

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Daniel Kudryashov
Daniel Kudryashov's picture
Last seen: 4 days 20 hours ago
Joined: 07/26/2018 - 19:27
BCMA Collective Petition Letter

Dear colleagues,

I would appreciate your response to the following questions:

Have you contacted B. Braun or Baxter in the past with an ask to print the NDC barcode in black-colored print to facilitate BCMA compliance?
If yes, what was the response?
If no, would you consider signing on to a petition letter (attached) to support our ask? Please reach out to daniel.kudryashov@med.usc.edu

We recently had a CRRT fluid-related medication error where a contributing root cause was identified as a failed BCMA step due to a scanning issue. The bar code on the bag was printed in white and the nurse was not able to scan it. This is likely not news for anyone, as it has been reported in the literature that bar codes printed in white (B Braun, Baxter) tend to not scan well without a contrasting dark background. Our Governing Board has posed a question if the manufacturers are doing anything about this.

Thank you for your time.


Attach files :
