I am looking for information in regard to how other Cerner (Oracle) facilities handle the prescription bottle medication entries on the medication history. Currently our staff can only do a "add/modify compliance" function for those entries on the admission med history. This creates challenges for providers and pharmacy. If there are comments in the prescription like "take 2 tabs or take 1/2 tab, etc." then the order does not come across to pharmacy choosing the most appropriate product for the dose because the dose field has not technically been updated. Also, the comments are still present and creates confusion as to what the true dose is supposed to be. I feel our issue is a provider issue in that they should be seeing the comments and updating the order; however, I can also see how this is a very clunky process for them as well.
Does anyone else have different platforms for inpatient and outpatient for their med histories that they can toggle between based on encounters, but still be able to view the other? Are there other means to handle this issue that we may not be utilizing?
Appreciate any feedback!