Discharge Prescriptions Written in Mass (mg/mCg) vs volume

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DiAnthia Patrick
DiAnthia Patrick's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 06/18/2014 - 01:01
Discharge Prescriptions Written in Mass (mg/mCg) vs volume

t Children's National we are evaluating our outpatient prescribing standards and seeking best practices and mitigation strategies.
We're pediatric hospital who uses Cerner.

We've had issues with writing discharge prescriptions with directions in volume (mL) thinking it was simplest for parents/guardians. We've had a mix of problems with this approach and Cerner is not easily formatted to accommodate both. We sometimes have issues with Retailers who may need to change concentration and hence direction, but parents have been given discharge teaching and sometimes the accompanying syringe. We've also had challenges with some providers miscalculating the dose "volume" from the concentration.

Looking for any best practices and/or mitigation strategies you've been successful.

DPatrick, PharmD
Children's National Hospital