Does your hosptial/institution have restrictions on IV benzodiazepine use?

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Lindsey M Eick
Lindsey M Eick's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 58 min ago
Joined: 07/12/2018 - 14:13
Does your hosptial/institution have restrictions on IV benzodiazepine use?

Hi All
We are seeing an increased use of IV midazolam on the acute care floors (likely due to the IV lorazepam shortage). There have been several questions on whether the use of IV benzodiazepines is restricted/allowed outside of the ICU. We currently don't have any restrictions on use (other than for continuous benzodiazepines).

Does your institution restrict how/when/where IV benzodiazepines can be used? If so, can you please share.

Does your institution have any policies on the use of sedatives or a policy on 'minimal sedation' - i.e. what is/what isn't allowed.

Would appreciate any guidance on how we can best address concerns of these products (oversedation, admin within scope of practice) and still allow use when/where appropriate.
