Epic Institutions Utilizing Beacon (Chemo) Therapy & Treatment Plans Inpatient

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Megan Elizabeth...
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Last seen: 3 weeks 5 days ago
Joined: 02/14/2022 - 12:55
Epic Institutions Utilizing Beacon (Chemo) Therapy & Treatment Plans Inpatient


My system successfully utilizes Epic's Beacon module for OUTpatient chemotherapy. However, on the INpatient side, we are seeing high rates of errors surrounding the release of chemotherapy treatment and therapy plans (created in Beacon). These issues seem primarily related to workflow and lack of pharmacy and nursing staff familiarity with Beacon. In particular, when orders are released, there are downstream effect that result in issues from missed regimen days to authorizations being resent. Is anyone successfully utilizing Beacon for inpatient chemotherapy administration, or has anyone experienced similar issues that can offer insight into workflow optimization?

Thank you,
Megan Fragale, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Medication Safety Officer
Skagit Regional Health
